
How much does a metal roof cost compared to asphalt roofs?

Initially a metal roof may cost more depending on the type of asphalt shingle you compare it to.  A steel roof will never need to be replaced in your lifetime, lasting 40-80 years (depending on metal type) when compared to asphalt roofs which last about 17-20 years in our climate. If you have hail, wind or storm damage asphalt shingles are more likely to damage when compared to a metal roof. Therefore over a life-time,  a metal roof is less expensive.  

Is a metal roof noisy?

This is probably the #1 question we as metal roof installers get.  Perhaps you remember standing under a barn, shed or outbuiliding during a rainstorm. In these structures, the steel roof panels are secured directly to the rafters.  There is no sound barrier so it sounded loud when it rained. On a home, townhome or heated commercial facility, the steel panels are fastened to an underlayment, then decking, with insulation under that and a sheet rock ceiling which absorbs and muffles sound. In addition, and this too helps muffle sound, some metal roofs can be installed over an asphalt roof.  Read More >

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