minnesota exterior home contractor

Exterior remodeling can involve a considerable amount of choices, time and work.  When improving any home, townhome or commercial building, knowing that a general contractor can rise to the challenge is crucial. These three elements are a great way to narrow down any search to find the right contractor.

  • Communication
  • Independence
  • Troubleshooting and Problem Solving

Communication builds trust. It establishes whether an exterior general contractor values honest communication and keeping you informed. 

Communication is key.


Communication builds trust. Establish whether a contractor values open communication.  Knowing a general contractor will respond promptly or proactively, keeping their customer informed is important.  

Communication shows a general contractor’s level of customer service and common courtesy.  Ask questions, listen to their responses. 

As the client, asking questions and raising concerns throughout the project is normal and should be welcomed. A contractor with integrity is open to this. Clarifications and concerns, suggestions are part of the process.  

If a contractor actively listens to your questions and answers them openly, and is passionate about being a “good fit,” then that contractor may be a great choice.


Is the exterior remodel construction company tied down to a specific product manufacturer or supplier?  Without the freedom to source materials and services independently, this may stretch budget constraints for desired goods and services.

Does the general contractor work independently behind the scenes, addressing permits, timelines and constraints, supply deliveries, overseeing the installation, final clean up and paperwork?  That is their job.  Or, do they require the client’s constant supervision?  Working independently with the ability to anticipate potential problems and concerns, if any, and communicate them to the homeowner is a sign of a great contractor.

Troubleshooting and Problem Solving

Unforeseen problems sometimes arise. An experienced general contractor is able to adapt, communicate, and overcome challenges.  One common issue is when an old roof is removed, and rotted decking (the wood substructure) is found.  The solution; the new decking must be replaced to meet code.  The cost falls on the homeowner. Providing a good, fair price to replace the decking is a sign of a trustworthy contractor. In that they can communicate, that can troubleshoot and problem solve. In addition, if the roof is leaking or just old, inform the contractor before the contract is signed.  This way suspect issues can be addressed and potential price increases are known in the beginning of the project.

It is the contractor’s job to come up with acceptable solutions should problems arise. When interviewing a general contractor ask these questions: In the past, what issues have they run into?  How was it resolved?  How did it affect the proper installation of the project?  What costs were involved?

At A. M. Burney Exteriors, Inc., we value our clients’ experience from beginning to end. We specialize in metal roofing installations.  But of course, we also install siding, windows and asphalt roofs in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro Area and parts of Midwestern Wisconsin.  We meet the three elements discussed above.  And, we look forward to your call to discuss the possibilities of your exterior remodeling project today.